
Green Lakes Adventure Session

If you’ve never been to Green Lakes State Park, please do yourself the favor and pay it a visit. It’s truly a natural wonder of a location and it’s primed with amazing locations for stunning portraits. Jess + Lance reached out wanting to have an adventure session but they weren’t sure where they wanted to have it. So I got to work scouting multiple locations for them!

Initially, we were looking at Cornell Botanic Gardens, and I went through the appropriate avenues for obtaining a photography permit. BUT because of the large influx of requests for photography permits, they were over loaded, and didn’t get back to me until the day BEFORE their session. As a result, we had opted for the alternative location of Green Lakes because we weren’t sure we’d hear back in time.

While a Green Lakes Adventure session was not their first choice, it was a choice that they loved nonetheless. We explored around Green Lakes taking in the sights. These two were slated to get married in 2022, but have decided to postpone their wedding celebration to 2023. They wanted their adventure session to be an adventure and an engagement celebration to share with their friends and family.

Filled with dancing, laughter, and a beautiful sunset, enjoy these moments from Jess + Lance’s Green Lakes Adventure session.

Yearning for more? I’ve gotchu! Check these out:

Great Sand Dunes National Park Adventure Session
Salmon River Falls Adventure Session


Let's adventure